sábado, 26 de março de 2011

Brandon LaBelle

Brandon LaBelle nasceu em Memphis, Tennessee, nos Estados Unidos, em 1969. Vive e trabalha em Berlim, na Alemanha.
Cursou Bacharelado (1993) e Mestrado (1998) em Artes Visuais no California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles. É PhD em Estudos Culturais pela London Consortium, University of London (2005).
É artista, escritor e trabalha com sons e especificidades do lugar.
Por meio de seu trabalho com a Errant Bodies Press coeditou as antologias Site of Sound: Of Architecture and the Ear, Writing Aloud: The Sonics of Language, Surface Tension: Problematics of Site e Radio Territories.
Realizou curadorias nos festivais Beyond Music, entre 1997-2002, e Beyond Baroque Literary/Arts Center, em Los Angeles. Em 2001, organizou a Social Music, uma série para a rádio Kunstradio ORF de Viena.



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Acoustic Territories

This is a remarkable exploration of how sound permeates all aspects of life - from the streets to our homes, and from shopping malls to the underground. "Acoustic Territories: Sound Culture and Everyday Life" offers an expansive reading of auditory life. It provides a careful consideration of the performative dynamics inherent to sound culture and acts of listening, and discusses how auditory studies may illuminate understandings of contemporary society. Combining research on urbanism, popular culture and auditory issues, "Acoustic Territories" opens up multiple perspectives - it challenges debates surrounding noise pollution and charts an 'acoustic politics of space' by unfolding auditory experience as located within larger cultural histories and related ideologies. Brandon LaBelle traces auditory life through a topographic structure: beginning with underground territories, through to the home as a site, and then further, to streets and neighborhoods, and finally to the sky itself. This structure follows sound as it appears in specific auditory designs, as it is mobilized within various cultural projects, and queries how it comes to circulate through everyday life as a medium for social transformation. "Acoustic Territories" uncovers the embedded tensions and potentiality inherent to sound as it exists in the everyday spaces around us.

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Radio Territories

The legacy of radio and the arts has spawned many forms of radical culture over the years, from early Modernist notions of the "Wireless Imagination" and its subsequent vernacular tongues to Acoustic Ecology’s call for "Radical Radio." This contemporary history of radical radio addresses the transformation of this broadcast medium by recent breakthroughs in digital technology--from digital streaming to web radio and podcasting--paying special attention to the "transmission arts" in culture and politics. It includes creative and critical essays by historians, media theorists, radio producers and activists, coupled with artistic and audio projects by current avant-gardists Kabir Carter, Brandon LaBelle, James Sey and others. While "Modern" radio stitched together an electronic network by expanding outward, today’s radio may fulfill Marshall McLuhan’s idea of the global "extended nervous system" by networking individual lives on more of a cellular level. According to the authors, radio is no longer out there, in the ether, but inside us, transmitting intense stratifications of culture. Comes with audio CD.

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